8 Major Warning Signs Your Body is Trying to Tell You About Your Health According To Ayurveda.

Hey there! Do you ever feel like your body is trying to tell you something, but you’re not quite sure what it is? It’s important to listen to those subtle signals, as they could be early warning signs of bigger health problems down the line if left unaddressed. Here are nine subtle signals to keep an eye out for, along with some tips on how to address them. Let’s make sure you’re taking care of yourself!

       Whitish Nails

Your nails can act as a warning system for your body. Healthy pink nails are a good sign, but if they’re white or pale, it could be a sign of low hemoglobin levels. This can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and headaches if left untreated. A pale face and lips can also be indicators. Fortunately, you can boost your blood count by adding carrots, beetroot, and leafy greens to your diet. Try drinking a glass of carrot and beetroot juice every morning for 30 days and get your hemoglobin levels checked. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference it can make!



Passing gas is a natural bodily function, and a mild or odorless fart is nothing to worry about. However, if your farts have a strong odor, it could be a sign that your body is struggling to digest something you ate, or that you’re eating more than your body can handle. This is a message from your body to cut back and stop overeating. High-protein diets can also contribute to smelly farts, as protein is a macronutrient that can be difficult to digest. Remember, you are not defined by what you eat, but by what your body can digest.

      Muscle Cramps

Are you tired of experiencing painful muscle cramps, especially in your calves? It could be your body’s way of telling you to increase your vitamin E intake. A lack of vitamin E can lead to premature aging, but studies have shown that taking vitamin E supplements can reduce muscle cramps by up to 68% in just three months. Sunflower seeds, soaked almonds, cashews, peanuts, and Desi cow ghee are all excellent sources of vitamin E. In Ayurveda, it’s believed that muscle cramps occur when the body is too dry. A self-massage with almond oil can help to replenish your vitamin E levels and ease muscle cramps.

           Feet Pain

Are your feet constantly giving you trouble? Don’t ignore it, as it could be a sign of liver malfunction. If you’re experiencing foot pain, itching, burning, or bad odor, it’s your body’s way of telling you that your liver is overloaded and can’t properly detoxify waste. If you don’t take action, you could be inviting more serious problems like skin pigmentation, premature graying of hair, and even cirrhosis. So, ditch the junk food and opt for home-cooked meals to keep your liver healthy. Ayurveda suggests drinking fresh sugarcane juice to protect your liver and promote rapid healing. Give your feet the care they deserve, and your body will thank you!

        Round Face

Are you noticing that your face is looking a bit more rounded than usual and your jawline is not as sharp as you’d like? Your body might be trying to tell you that it’s retaining excess water. If you’ve been consuming too many carbs, table salt, or alcohol, it can lead to water retention. That’s why you might wake up with a swollen face after a night of partying. But don’t worry, there’s a way to get your face back to its natural shape. Cut back on these three culprits, and your body will naturally flush out excess water. Exercise can also help by burning glycogen energy stores and reducing water weight. And don’t forget to stay hydrated – when your body has enough water, it won’t hold on to excess. So, let’s get that sharp look back on your face and show the world your beautiful features! You got this!”

        Anal Itching

Are you experiencing an unsettled feeling due to the persistent itching around your anus? Or is excessive drooling causing you to lose sleep? Perhaps you’re grinding your teeth while you slumber? According to Ayurvedic scriptures, these are definitive signs of intestinal worms. If left untreated, these worms can cause malnutrition, intestinal blockages, and even piles. While more common in children, adults are not immune to this issue. The underlying cause of this problem is typically the consumption of food prepared in unhygienic conditions. Let’s begin by reducing your intake of sweets for a while as these worms thrive on sugar. Conversely, consuming fiberless food will only exacerbate the situation. However, foods rich in dietary fiber, such as vegetable salads, have been proven to quickly eliminate intestinal worms. Let’s get your system back on track and eradicate those worms from your body. Your body will undoubtedly thank you for it


Are your gums appearing reddish and swollen? Or do they bleed while brushing? Perhaps they’re receding? These are typical signs of vitamin C deficiency, according to Ayurveda. Your gum health is an indicator of your intestinal health, so don’t ignore it. Include foods like amla, lemon, guava, orange, and capsicum in your daily diet. Gently massaging your gums with tooth powder stimulates blood flow, allowing for a quick recovery. Strong mouthwashes should be avoided, and instead, try the traditional practice of oil pulling. Taking these steps can help you combat vitamin C deficiency and maintain healthy gums.

     Dry & Flaky Skin

Is your skin feeling dry and flaky, especially around your nose and forehead? Your body might be telling you that it’s deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. Ignoring this could put your brain and heart health at risk. Most of us consume way too many fatty acids in the form of oils, but Omega 3s are often missing from our diets, especially if you’re not a seafood lover. But don’t worry, there are vegetarian sources of Omega 3s, too! Walnuts and flaxseeds are two proven sources of Omega 3 for vegetarians, and fish oil supplements work for non-vegetarians. So let’s give your skin the nourishment it needs and keep your brain and heart healthy.

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