Animal Cruelty on Kedarnath Yatra : Mules Suffer In Silence.

Imagine being forced to work for hours on end, without any breaks or rest in harsh conditions and with no voice to speak up for yourself. This is the reality that horses and mules face every day during the Kedarnath trek. Today, we’re discussing a topic that’s often overlooked – the treatment of animals who work tirelessly to serve us. Humans have made horses and mules work all day long, making them slaves to our needs. It’s heartbreaking to know that these animals are being mistreated and abused during the Kedarnath trek, yet they continue to help us reach our destination. Let’s talk about how we can put an end to this cruelty and show our appreciation for these hardworking creatures.

Video clips have gone viral on social media showing the misery and death of these animals, and it makes us wonder, is this what a pilgrimage is all about? Is this how we achieve spiritual enlightenment, by torturing innocent animals who have done nothing wrong? Will Baba Kedar be pleased with those who complete their trek with the help of these voiceless animals ?

It’s a tragic truth that during religious pilgrimages, humans often inflict pain and suffering on innocent animals in the name of their own comfort. They disregard the well-being of these creatures and use them as nothing more than a means to an end. Yet, once they reach their destination, they celebrate their accomplishment without any thought to the suffering they’ve caused.It’s a selfish act, and it’s unfortunate that humans have become so self-centered.

The trek to Kedarnath has been a symbol of faith for generations. Earlier, people would embark on this journey, crossing treacherous paths on their own, with unwavering faith and devotion towards Bholenath. Their journey would be long and arduous, but they believed that their devotion would make their pilgrimage a success.

However, in today’s world, social media has changed the way people approach this pilgrimage. In the world full of shosha,  people now use it as an opportunity to show off their devotion , but it’s often just a facade. Many young people and even those who are physically fit, are taking the help of animals to complete their route. This has led to the mistreatment of these poor animals, who are being exploited for human convenience.

How mules have been an important part of the Kedarnath pilgrimage until now?

Earlier, humans relied on mules only to transport their goods across treacherous path. It wasn’t because mules were stronger, but because of their low maintenance  and could carry more weight in comparison to horses and donkeys . Mules are known for their calm and patient nature, and their ability to carry loads is 30% heavier than their own weight. They’re incredibly loyal to their owners and will do anything to please them. However, the use of mules and horses in Kedarnath has become a source of concern. People are just exploiting these animals for their own convenience. They are being mistreated and overworked. Last year, mules and horses made a business worth 100 crores in Kedarnath, which is a staggering number.

But now, it’s time to bring back the true essence of this pilgrimage. We need to show devotion and respect towards the God, and be kind to all living beings. We should be responsible and make sure that we don’t cause any harm to these animals who work tirelessly for us.

Let’s find out who is responsible for their death and their miserable conditions, and what steps we can take to protect them.

The use of mules has been a long-standing tradition, but they were never harmed. However, in 2020, due to Covid, the Kedarnath pilgrimage was halted, and it affected the livelihoods of mule owners for two years. When the ban was lifted, two things happened: devotees flocked to Kedarnath in large numbers, and mule owners were eager to make up for their losses. Now, instead of making one trip a day, these mules are being pushed to make three or four trips a day. In a place where mules require water, food, and rest to survive the harsh cold, their owners resort to drugging them with substances like weed, which allows them to work beyond their capacity. In the end, these mules become old and weak, and pass away.

However, It’s completely easy to point fingers only at the mule owners and blame them for the mistreatment of these animals. But what about the so-called devotees who ride on these animals’ backs in the name of pilgrimage? Every day, there are people who are perfectly capable of walking but choose to ride on the backs of these animals instead. They believe that by doing so, they have achieved some sort of spiritual success. But if that were true, these animals wouldn’t be in such a terrible state after a lifetime of going around in circles.

Why are mules being given drugs?

The video that recently went viral on social media was truly disturbing. It showed two mule owners forcefully feeding weed to their animals. They believed that the gas produced by the weed would provide relief to the animals, but that’s far from the truth. The real reason for doing so is to make these poor creatures work without any sense and without stopping. They’re overworked, made to go around in circles up to four times a day, and when they can’t take it anymore, they’re beaten and given more drugs to keep going.

Protecting Mules on the Kedarnath Route: Steps We Can Take to End Animal Cruelty.

Animal cruelty is a serious issue on the Kedarnath route, and it is up to us to take action to stop it. There are several things that we can do to make a difference.

Firstly, we can choose to walk instead of taking rides on mules. This will not only reduce the burden on the mules but also give us a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

Secondly, we can raise awareness about animal cruelty on the Kedarnath route. We can talk to our friends and family about the issue and encourage them to take action as well. We can also use social media platforms to spread awareness and educate people about the issue.

Thirdly, we can support organizations that are working to stop animal cruelty on the Kedarnath route. These organizations provide medical care, food, and shelter to the mules and also work to raise awareness about the issue.

And lastly, we can urge the government to enforce its rules and regulations more strictly. The government should limit the number of mules per day for the Kedarnath route. Mules should be tagged with an ID and restricted to only one tour per day. They should be given proper rest along the way, and their handlers should be trained to follow proper protocols. Those who don’t follow the rules should face the law. Mules should also be examined medically to prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases.


Finally, through this blog, I would like to suggest that whenever you visit religious places where the journey is long and on foot, you should rely on your own physical ability. Do not take the help of any animal for the journey because they are living beings like us and can also feel pain . So let us take a step forward to stop the cruelty being inflicted on these innocent horses and mules, and save them from the torture.

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