Eating Half Stomach: Why Less Is More

Many of us have heard the saying, “Eat to live, don’t live to eat.” But in today’s world, where food is abundant and easily accessible, it can be challenging to follow this simple advice. We often eat more than we need, which can lead to various health problems. However, there is a solution to this problem; Eating half a stomach full. In this article, we will explore why eating half stomach is better than overeating and how it can benefit our health.

What is Eating Half Stomach?

Let’s say if I fill a mixer jar all the way to the top, Will it blend? We do the same with our stomachs, stuffing them full without thinking about whether or not the meal will digest. It is a natural law itself that it needs to give a little space for things to mix together. However, some of us have formed the habit of eating twice or three times the amount our bodies require. So, how are we to stay healthy in such a situation? Ayurveda advises us to fill our stomachs partially from food and leave 1/4th of the space available for digestive juices and the remaining 1/4th for churning. 

Now, the question is “How can we know when our stomach is half full?”
There is air in your stomach when it is empty. And when you are hungry, eating food releases a burp. The food pipe allows the air from the empty stomach to exit the mouth. This is known as a satisfaction burp, and it indicates that your stomach is now satisfied. After this burp, eating more won’t allow the food to digest properly. So, the best is to avoid eating food after this pleasure burp to prevent overeating.

Why is Eating Half Stomach Better than Overeating?

1. Better Digestion

Overeating can put a lot of pressure on our digestive system, making it work harder than it needs to. When we eat too much, our stomach produces more acid to digest the food which can lead to acid reflux, bloating and other digestive problems. Eating half stomach allows our digestive system to function efficiently, reducing the risk of digestive issues.

2. Weight Management

Overeating can lead to weight gain, which can increase the risk of various health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Eating half a stomach full can help us manage our weight by reducing the number of calories we consume. When we eat less our body burns fat for energy which can help us lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

3. Increased Energy

When we overeat, our body has to work harder to digest the food which can leave us feeling sluggish and tired. Eating half a stomach full can help us feel more energized and focused throughout the day. When we eat less, our body can use the energy it would have used for digestion for other activities, such as exercise or work.

4. Improved Mood

Overeating can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels which can lead to mood swings and irritability. Eating half a stomach full can help us maintain stable blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of mood swings and improving our overall mood.

5. Better Sleep

Eating too much before bed can make it difficult to get a good night sleep. But eating half a stomach can help you sleep better as it reduces the chances of discomfort and indigestion.

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